Abortion Stories
There are 1,663 Abortion stories. You're viewing page 25 of 167
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I regret my abortion and now have to live with this awful guilt
Even if you're sure, abortion is still heart-breaking to live with
I haven't had the abortion yet - I'm incredibly confused
At 13 weeks pregnant the abortion cost was too high for me
I'm having a 2nd abortion tomorrow, I feel like a horrible person
I regret my abortion six years ago at the age of 17
Abortion regret - I hope one day I'll be an amazing mum
My conscious sedation abortion was painful but it was quick
I was forced to have sex against my will and became pregnant
I'm not ready to be Mum & had a medical termination yesterday
Current page: 25 of 167
Story categories
Baby Loss
Crisis Pregnancy
Keeping my baby
Men's Stories
Miscarriage Stories
Teenage Pregnancy
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