Miscarriage Stories Stories
There are 132 Miscarriage Stories stories. You're viewing page 3 of 14
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Miscarriage at 11 weeks: the hardest thing I've been through
I want to break the taboo that exists around pregnancy loss
I was blessed with 5 wonderful pregnancies but lost my 6th
After an early miscarriage, I'm afraid I won't have another baby
Blighted Ovum ended my pregnancy in miscarriage at 12 weeks
I was 5 mths when I miscarried and went through it alone
I'd had a miscarriage without knowing - I'd had no symptoms!
A subsequent ultrasound showed it was a failed pregnancy
At 8 weeks there was still no sign of any miscarriage symptoms
Current page: 3 of 14
Story categories
Baby Loss
Crisis Pregnancy
Keeping my baby
Men's Stories
Miscarriage Stories
Teenage Pregnancy
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