When I found out I was pregnant I was beside myself and didn't know what to do
On the 14th Feb, I found out that I was pregnant. I was beside myself and didn't know what I was going to do. I already have one child who isn't even 2 yet and at 19 years old I didn't think I would be able to cope.
Me and my fiance decided to terminate the pregnancy. It was a joint decision and we felt it was in our daughter's best interest. Although I say this is what we decided, it wasn't as easy as it seems.
We spent nights without sleep just talking about the options we had and we weighed out the pros and the cons.
Making the right decision
After about 4 days we said that we were going to keep the baby and cope somehow, but going along with what we decided felt so wrong.
We both knew deep down that we weren't making the right decision so I made an appointment with my GP.
After that, I was referred to my local hospital for a scan and was offered the chance to talk through my decision.
After the scan and vaginal swabs were taken, I was sent through to another nurse who talked me through the procedure and an appointment was made for me to take the 1st pill.
After taking the 1st pill it started to sink in, there was no going back but I knew I was going to get through it with help from my fiance.
Mentally it was quite harrowing
A couple of days later was the appointment where the whole pregnancy would be ended.
To get to where this would happen we had to walk through the new baby unit which was very hard. I had a cry and a hug from my fiance then we proceeded to the room where I was staying.
Passing the pregnancy wasn't as physically painful as I had thought it would be, but mentally it was quite harrowing. I just kept thinking that everything would be ok and that I was making the right decision and this really helped me get through it.
I knew when I had passed the foetus as I saw it.
It's hard not to when it's a different colour to everything else, also my stomach cramps went as soon as it had “passed”.
I came out from the toilet and just said to my fiance that we would be going home soon and he knew straight away what I meant.
Think it through and really be sure
It's been a few weeks since I had my abortion, I do feel that we made the right choice and I'm getting on with taking care of the daughter I already have.
I have no regrets about it now and the ones I had whilst going through it have now gone but I can't stress enough how important it is to think it through and really be sure before you do anything.
It is a huge decision to make you just have to be 100% sure of what you are doing.