Abortion Stories
There are 1,663 Abortion stories. You're viewing page 18 of 167
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I'd read accounts of other early medical abortions being agony
I was so shocked, it was NOTHING like I expected it to be
With a strong pain threshold, I thought I'd be able to get home
My medical abortion at 6 weeks pregnancy at 35 years of age
Abortion for foetal abnormality
Abortion under pressure.
Keep the baby or have a termination?
An unwanted abortion halfway through my university degree
An abortion at 13 weeks after Chiari Malformation diagnosis
My termination at 6 weeks took 6 hrs but every ladies different
Current page: 18 of 167
Story categories
Baby Loss
Crisis Pregnancy
Keeping my baby
Men's Stories
Miscarriage Stories
Teenage Pregnancy
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