Abortion Stories
There are 1,663 Abortion stories. You're viewing page 11 of 167
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Last year in May I aborted twins and regret it
I read many abortion stories and expected a blood bath
I was an international student in the UK in need of an abortion
We're devastated. My baby has an abnormality & I have to abort
Years later I still regret my decision and wonder about that child
I'm 19, Nigerian, a Muslim and have had 5 abortions since 2011
Hyperemesis gravidarum made me want to have an abortion
I'm going through a medical abortion alone and it's killing me
From religious backgrounds, it wouldn't sit well with our parents
I was 17 years old and my period was one week late
Current page: 11 of 167
Story categories
Baby Loss
Crisis Pregnancy
Keeping my baby
Men's Stories
Miscarriage Stories
Teenage Pregnancy
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