A contraceptive failure
By anonymous on 10/07/2013
I am a 17 year old gal and I just met this guy a week ago. I went to visit him 1 day and it happened that we made love. He was wearing a condom but when we were done the condom wasn't there. So I'm afraid that I am pregnant and he told me that he doesn't want a baby so I must do something about it. I didn't know what to do because I couldn't be a mother now. I admit that I made a huge mistake and I won't forgive myself.
Editor's Comment
If you have a contraceptive accident, or unprotected sex, you can go to your GP or young people's sexual health clinic for advice on emergency contraception. You may want to take emergency contraception pill which is usually up to 3 days after the event, or have a coil fitted up to 5 days afterwards. It sounds as though you may be too late for this and you should wait for your period date and take a pregnancy test one to two days after a missed period to check if you are pregnant. You can get a test done at a pregnancy choices centre, a sexual health clinic, or buy one from a pharmacy. If the test is positive please contact CareConfidential for help and support with an unintended pregnancy. for unplanned pregnancy support.