I have always wanted kids but did not imagine it would happen like this.
By anonymous on 31/01/2008
I have always wanted kids but did not imagine it would happen like this. I am half way through my degree, and although I have been with my partner for eight years, it still does not feel like the right time. I feel as though a baby would bring my future plans to a standstill. I am so confused and don't know what to do. I am not sure I can go through with another termination, but I am scared of giving birth as well. I feel trapped and pushed into a corner. I want it to go away.Editor’s note: Thanks for writing in…You seem to be under pressure with regard to your plans for your life – your degree, in particular. Sometimes we set ourselves a course and we don’t want anything to come along and disrupt our plans. Not feeling as if it’s the right time can be due to external pressures or internal ones, or both. It sounds is if fear of what’s involved in birth is a part of what’s troubling you as well.
However, I also sense that a previous termination is pulling you in another direction – what makes it so difficult to go through it again? These are all factors that you might need to pay attention to, giving yourself time and space to consider them without pressure. It’s about listening to both your head and your heart. There is a way out of the corner, but you must first find help – your nearest centre, the helpline or Online Advisor are good places to start.