Hiya my name is... and, well, I’m not sure but I think I may be pregnant.
By anonymous on 10/12/2007
Hiya my name is... and, well, I’m not sure but I think I may be pregnant. I have missed my period this month and never in my life have I before! I am still not on my period from 2 weeks ago, because I wanted to see if I did come on or not.I was going to start taking the pill again but haven't yet because I want to find out why I haven't come on my period. I have tried going to the doctors but my mum is always there and I don’t really want to ask the doctor anything when she is there. I don’t want let her down, because we are so close. And I normally tell her everything.
I’m going to wait till Saturday to see if I come on and if I don’t, I’m going to go buy a pregnancy test to stop all my worries! I haven't told my boyfriend yet because I don't know what to say. So.... when he asks me why I haven't come on yet I just make up an excuse, even though were really close and been together 7 months! I just don’t know what to say! I don't know what to do... Please help me x x x
Editor’s note: Thanks for writing in…you are obviously very worried about the possibility of pregnancy and the best thing you can do is get a pregnancy test done to find out for sure. I know you might feel that doing the test yourself is better, but you may find that having the test done at your nearest pregnancy centre is better still, mainly because someone will be on hand to support you when you find out the result, whether negative or positive. It can be a huge shock to have a positive result, even though you have suspected it for a while. Suddenly, it becomes real and having someone who understands how you feel at that moment can be very helpful. They will not be shocked; nor judge you, but support you. You can find out your nearest centre from this website. If your result is positive, then you will also benefit from talking through all your options and how you feel about a pregnancy. You can talk about how to tell your mum too who, because you're so close, may feel hurt if you don't tell her - even if it's news that may upset her.
We’ll be thinking of you. Let us know how you get on.