Crisis Pregnancy Stories
There are 263 Crisis Pregnancy stories. You're viewing page 22 of 27
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A poem
I am 34 and 6 weeks pregnant. My partner and I have been together for 18 months and he was the one that suggested we try for a baby.
My husband and I planned a baby and had our first try two weeks before our wedding.
I am 5 weeks pregnant, after 3 miscarriages.
I don't know what to do...I found out I was pregnant three weeks ago.
I’m only 15, and pregnant, by a 20 year old my parents don’t approve of.
I just turned twenty but found out a week before my birthday that I was 8 weeks pregnant.
I found out a week ago I was six weeks pregnant for the first time. My first reaction was to cry with disappointment.
It’s me again....the 26 year old mum who has the partner in France.
Hi, I am 23, 8 weeks pregnant and scared. I have a two year old son from a previous violent relationship...
Current page: 22 of 27
Story categories
Baby Loss
Crisis Pregnancy
Keeping my baby
Men's Stories
Miscarriage Stories
Teenage Pregnancy
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