Crisis Pregnancy Stories
There are 263 Crisis Pregnancy stories. You're viewing page 19 of 27
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I'm a 26-year-old too scared to tell my mom I'm having a baby
After finding out I was pregnant, and my partner telling me he wanted an abortion, I didn't know which way to turn
My girlfriend's considering abortion but I'll do anything to keep it
I am 17 years old and pregnant.
If I choose abortion I'll lose my baby and my boyfriend
I have just sat reading through the abortion and keeping my baby sections for over 3 hours...
I'm 21 years old and nearing the end of my first year at university...
Hi, I'm 22 years old and I have three beautiful children.
I’ve taken three home pregnancy tests and they have all come up positive.
I'm 20-yrs-old and need a second abortion 6 mths after the first
Current page: 19 of 27
Story categories
Baby Loss
Crisis Pregnancy
Keeping my baby
Men's Stories
Miscarriage Stories
Teenage Pregnancy
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