Abortion Stories
There are 1,663 Abortion stories. You're viewing page 155 of 167
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I had an abortion two weeks ago, and feel like this is the worst decision I could have ever made.
I had been in a strong, loving relationship with my partner for five years and we were living together, hoping to marry in the future...
I'm the girl that wrote in before, who was pressured into abortion
I had a medical abortion eleven weeks ago when I was seven weeks pregnant.
When I had first found out I was pregnant, I couldn't believe it. I knew there was a possibility, but we always used protection.
I had a medical termination in October 2007. My ex-boyfriend and I were sorting our problems out and wanting to get back together. We met up and ended up having sex.
Hi, my name is B and I’m 24 years old. I had an abortion in September 2006. I was 14 weeks.
An abortion 11 years ago resulted in the break-up of my family
I aborted at 19 weeks not realising how developed my baby was
My husband wants me to abort or will leave with my daughters
Current page: 155 of 167
Story categories
Baby Loss
Crisis Pregnancy
Keeping my baby
Men's Stories
Miscarriage Stories
Teenage Pregnancy
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