Abortion Stories
There are 1,663 Abortion stories. You're viewing page 150 of 167
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This can be the hardest topic to ever think and even talk about, but here is my story.
I had a surgical termination at 13 weeks and 3 days, 7 weeks ago.
I have lost all hope of ever getting over my termination.
I've just been looking through the archives on your website, and have just read the story of the lady who had an abortion in 1999...
I had two abortions. I got married when I was 17.
I am a mother of three year old twins and split up with their father two years ago.
I'm still struggling to get back to normal 3 years after an abortion
An NHS medical abortion yesterday at 7 weeks of pregnancy
I so want a baby but how can I when I've had 3 abortions
I'm currently a 21 year old student, doing well at university, but 5 years ago I had a termination.
Current page: 150 of 167
Story categories
Baby Loss
Crisis Pregnancy
Keeping my baby
Men's Stories
Miscarriage Stories
Teenage Pregnancy
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