I'm only 15 and 4 months pregnant
By anonymous on 07/09/2011
The day I found out I was pregnant, I was so happy but then at the same time I was worried and scared of what my mother would say as I'm only 15. I never thought I would have a baby at this age, or never even planned to, but now that it's happened I cannot wait! Telling my mum was the hardest part about it
I struggled really bad to tell my mum, but then when I told her she seemed quite ok with it I suppose, but now I'm 4 months into my pregnancy my family & boyfriend are supporting me all the way.It took me a while to come out and tell my mum, but it was all worth it in the end!
When my boyfriend found out he was on top of the world and he could not wait. He's still the same now.
Even though I'm still young and people always say to me 'you still have your life to live', it does not bother me at all. When they first started saying it, it did have me thinking a bit 'Am I too young?' or 'Are they just saying it?' but then when me and my boyfriend sat down and spoke about having a baby at this age in a mature way, we decided that starting our own family would be the best thing that's ever happened, and then when we had our first scan we knew for sure this was what we wanted. The baby is now due on the 18/2/12, I just can't wait to get it out :)