23 weeks pregnant and feeling anxious and fearful
By anonymous on 24/07/2011
I am 18 and 23 weeks pregnant.Me and my boyfriend (also 18) had only been together 2 months when I fell pregnant. Despite the short time we were together I had known him for ages and we were best friends
When I told him at first he freaked out and left me because his mum practically said she would disown him if he stuck by me.
Eventually everyone came round and now I am moving in with him next month. I feel scared because it hasn't really hit me that I am going to be a mum yet. I'm so scared that people will get fed up and leave me and I will be doing this all alone.
I have become so paranoid and am terrified that my boyfriend will try and take my baby away or his parents will or someone in general will.
I have become so anxious I am even considering running away I just can't deal with my emotions at the moment. I need to find a way to sort my head out.