Abortion stories, accounts and experiences - women tell it as it is
People's experiences of abortion vary greatly, as shown by the stories on this website, few women experience precisely the same thing. However, you find many experiences share similarities when reading stories around the same theme. For instance: type of abortion; the number of weeks of pregnancy when aborted, etc. Whether they're good or bad; positive abortion stories or horror stories, you'll find pretty much everything here.
With so many stories on the same subject in one place, it can be tricky to find things most relevant to your situation. To help you find experiences that will be of most use to you stories are tagged where appropriate. Tagging is ongoing, and with more than a couple of thousand stories to get through, it'll take some time!
If you'd like to help others find some clarity about what's happening in their life, you can do that by sharing your story too. Many find putting pen to paper helps put things in perspective. To help those reading your account, please include as many details as possible. The more details there are, the more chance there is of somebody else finding the info they need. Things like your city/country, the number of weeks of pregnancy, the type of abortion, the abortion provider, your age, the physical process, the emotional side of things etc. are all useful in helping others get a handle on their situation.
There's a list of stories about abortion in general, here. Also, just below here, you'll find links to different pages listing experiences according to aspects talked about in the stories sent in. I hope you find it useful.
Abortion stories organised by theme
You can use these links to reach a page that lists stories involving that particular theme.