I had a feeling I was pregnant
By anonymous on 08/02/2015
I'm 18 and in my first year of university, During the summer I was in sexual relation with a boy, he wasn't my boyfriend but we're seeing each other.There was one time we failed to use protection, I'm normally on the pill but due to health problems can no longer take them. I had a feeling I was pregnant I was late and didn't feel right in myself. I didn't tell anybody though I was scared and didn't want to face reality.
So I started university 28th September and mid October, I felt severe cramping and stomach pain. I wasn't sure what to do so I carried on as normal till I started to bleed. I was passing a lot of blood clots then eventually I saw what looked like a foetus. I was not sure what to do, so went to google to see pictures and read on it. I was at university alone and scared and had no one to turn to and talk to, I felt hurt like my heart felt numb. I didn't know what to do with myself for the next few days. I just blocked it from my mind and ignored it. However a few months on and I'm starting to hurt again emotionally.