I was sterilised two years ago and this is the second time I've become pregnant
By anonymous on 20/02/2014
I found out I was pregnant, shocked is an understatement. I was sterilised two years ago and this is the second time I've become pregnant, the first time resulted in miscarriage. I told the Father, he was floored. He couldn't speak to me, he was so upset. After a while, he text me and said he'd been thinking and he didn't want a baby and that this wasn't the way he wanted to bring a child into the world. I told him that I didn't want or need anything from him, I was telling him because he deserved to know.
He pushed me away and wouldn't talk to me, said he was too upset. How does he think I was feeling? Because happy was far from it!!
I already have three children, and I've lost four children to miscarriage.
I cried myself to sleep that night, I woke in the middle of the night and was covered in blood. I knew what was happening, so I cleaned myself up and got back into bed.
I text him the next morning and he called to see if I was ok, and he cried. I told him I had a doctors appointment, and he said to call him later. Five minutes before my appointment, he started calling me and texting saying he wanted to be there?? Bit late don't you think?
I'm so cross that he wanted me to abort out child and now I've miscarried. I'm so cross with him.
When I text him to say I needed to talk originally, he rang me and I told him and he said 'I thought it was either you were pregnant or had met someone else!' What kind of logic is that?
I'm so angry with him but I would give anything to have him lying with me now as I'm in pain :-(