I'm 5 weeks pregnant after a one night stand
By anonymous on 10/05/2010
I'm 26 and recently found out I'm 5 weeks pregnant.I had a one night stand with a guy I met without protection. I then went on a date the day after with a guy I have been seeing on and off for 3 years.
I took the morning after pill 2 days after but nothing happened. I don't believe in termination but both men want nothing to do with the baby.
I'm not even sure who the father is.
My family and friends have been very supportive but I don't know what to do.
Editor's Comment
You are in a very difficult position and making this decision with so many uncertainties is hard. You may need to put aside paternity issues and think about what you want for yourself and your baby.If you don't believe in termination then going against those beliefs is going to be betraying yourself as a person. Going it alone is a tough decision and there are many practical difficulties, but it is hard to see ahead and what might happen in the end with your partner, or perhaps a new relationship. If you would like to talk this through with someone please contact the national helpline 0300 4000 999 advisors will help you to think through your options in a confidential, non judgemental way, and give you any information you need as you think this through.