I am 9 weeks pregnant, but my partner doesn't feel we should have this baby.
By anonymous on 09/05/2012
I am 26 (nearly 27) and I was diagnosed with PCOS(polycystic ovary syndrome) in February this year after suffering with localised ovary pain, and lack of periods for over a year after coming off the pill. I was told by a consultant and my GP that although it's not impossible, chances of me getting pregnant naturally would be very slim and I would probably face having to take fertility drugs and if not IVF.
My partner is 29 but doesn't feel that we should have this baby so early on in our relationship and doesn't think it's fair on him, me or the unborn baby.
All friends and family have been very supportive and want us to have the baby including his parents. However, I don't feel strong enough to have to go through this on my own. He seems to think that I can have a termination not knowing if this will ever happen for me again and things can just go back to how they were.
Now I have to face this huge dilemma alone as there is no one impartial for me to turn to.
Editor's Comment
This is obviously an agonising decision for you. If you decide to agree with your partner's wishes then it is possible that may not be able to get pregnant again. However, if you decide to continue the pregnancy, you have to accept the possibility that he may not stay with you, and you could be having the baby alone. It sounds as though your friends and family would support you, and its possible things will work out fine with your partner. Equally you may have an abortion and then find your partner does not stay with you anyway, so you would lose the pregnancy and the relationship.Ultimately you are going to have to do what is right for you, and make the decision that you know you can live with longterm.
If you would like some help thinking this through with someone independent, and impartial please call the national helpline on 0300 4000 999 or register with Online counsellor.