My first baby died at 3 months from sudden infant death syndrome
By anonymous on 07/11/2011
I'm 21 years old, I had my 1st baby at 19, I was so happy with my new baby boy, watching him grow. One morning I woke up and he didn't. At three months old he was sadly taken by SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). I knew from then on I didn't want anymore children, I just wanted my baby boy back. Every single day I think about him and cry, and when I hear and see people on the news who put their babies in rubbish bins it makes me sick! Whenever I see a baby asleep, I don't see what everyone else sees, I see a dead baby :(About a week ago I found out I was pregnant again, to the same guy that I had my 1st child. I don't know what to do, I don't think I'm ready for another baby, I'm very scared too. I'm thinking about an abortion but I really don't know if I could. I really want to know what you think I should do? Just 4 months ago my father past away from a heart attack on the same day as my son. I'm still dealing with the grief of his loss, as well as this. So I could really use some guidance please!!