Everyone thinks I should have an abortion
By anonymous on 13/01/2011
What should I do?
Hi Everyone, I am 6 weeks pregnant, and I am in turmoil. I want to keep my baby, but everyone thinks I will be ruining my life. I am 23 and I have been to University, I have a degree in Media and Cultural Studies and I am 2 and a half years in to my career in Recruitment. The father said he will financially support me, but he won't be there... which I have now accepted.I can't bring myself to have an abortion
90% of everyone around me thinks I would be doing the wrong thing if I kept my baby, I know I would struggle, and it would be really difficult, but I can't bring myself to have an abortion. I really can't but I have always been easily persuaded by my peers, so I feel like in the end they will persuade me to have an abortion, I would appreciate anyone's opinions and advice... Everytime I say I want to keep my baby, people just say I won't cope...Editor's Comment
I can see that you feel a heavy pressure on you from other people's opinions, but it is important to have confidence in your own opinion too. When abortion is outside a person's value system, it can be very damaging to be pressurised into it. My advice is to make sure that this becomes your decision, rather than everyone else's. If you do have an abortion, blaming other people later will make it hard for you to move on. It's much healthier to make the decision for yourself. In a crisis pregnancy women are often very vulnerable, so I understand your feelings. Please get in touch with a local pregnancy crisis centre for support as you go through your decision-making process. They will help you look at all the resources around you, as well as all the options ahead of you. Follow the link to find a centre for post abortion support in your area.