I never believed in abortions

By anonymous on 05/05/2010
When I found out I was pregnant, it was about 2 weeks before my 16th birthday.
I had gotten pregnant by my boyfriend at the time. When I found out I was very scared I didn't know what I was going to do. All along I knew that my boyfriend wanted me to have an abortion, I never believed in abortions I thought that they were totally immoral because you were killing a living person.
I found when I was about 5 weeks I ended up moving back home ( from previously living with my sister) to be closer to my family and my boyfriend.

I didn't believe in abortion

I didn't really know what I was going to do I didn't believe in abortions but if I didn't get one my boyfriend had said that he wanted nothing to do with the baby or me. My mother was totally against me having one and when I decided that I was going to keep the baby, my boyfriend stopped talking to me altogether..
his mom however was not having that. She would keep calling me and she even came and took me out of school so that I could talk to the abortion clinic. All she was thinking about was her son who was already in college and I hadn't even finished high school.. they didn't care what having an abortion would do to me. She even went as far as making my appointment for me.

They pushed me into abortion

They pushed me so much into getting this abortion honestly I couldn't get out of it.. the whole process was very drawn out it was long and painful the worse part I think was that the staff are professionals doing the procedures and had no emotions at all about doing these things.My boyfriend and his mom were the ones who brought me on the two hour drive to get this done.
After it was over and they brought me home, I never heard from them again. To this day I still cry about what I did because I knew it was the wrong decision I should have stuck up for myself and my baby more then I did and nobody should ever push somebody so far to where they just give up on pushing back.
I am now 20 years old, I am married to a different guy who is wonderful, and we have two beautiful children.. but what I did is always in the back of my mind I regret it everyday

Editor's Comment

You were very young when this happened to you and I am not surprised that you were unable to stand up to so much pressure. It is very hard to keep fighting back when people are so forceful, but very wrong of them to put you under so much pressure. It is hard for you to come to terms with something that you always felt you disagreed with. I am glad you are happily married now and if we can support you in any way through post abortion help 'The Journey' programme is good at helping you to work through your regrets find a centre for crisis pregnancy support in your area.

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