I had a surgical abortion at 10 weeks after reading of other peoples experiences
I had a surgical abortion at 10 weeks in June last year, and it was most definitely the right decision for me [more accounts of surgical abortion and abortion at 10 weeks]. I was originally booked in for a medical abortion, but after reading reports on the internet about some of the terrible experiences some women had gone through, and not really much information from the doctors, apart from everyone is different so they can't really say what I would experience, I decided to change to a surgical.
Surgical Abortion
I went in about 8 in the morning and was taken down to the operating theatre about 11 and was on my way home by 1.
I had no pain the day of the abortion and bleeding was very very light, even lighter than the end of your period.
I had slight pain, nothing that paracetamol didn't clear up, and bled very lightly on and off for a couple of weeks.
I would recommend to anyone who is struggling with the decision of medical or surgical abortion to opt for surgical. It's so much less distressing and from what I've heard/read about medical a lot less painful as well.
Hope this helps.