I was 16 and found out I was pregnant

By anonymous on 08/02/2010
When I was 16 and half in 2007, I found out I was pregnant by my boyfriend who I had been with for about 3 months. When I first found out I was pregnant, I was really excited! then at 10 weeks I told my mom and she really didn't want me to keep it, so at 14 weeks and 2 days (5th feb 08) I had an abortion. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I still regret it now. It's nearly 2 years since I had the abortion. I am still with the same boyfriend and now I'm 18 and half and 12 weeks pregnant! I haven't told my mom yet as I'm worried about what she will say. I am looking forward to having this baby but can't stop thinking about the baby I got rid of xIt is really hard when you feel that you have made a decision like this because someone else has told you to. At 16 you probably felt that your mother advice was the right decision, but it is hard for anyone else to know how you will feel afterwards. I hope that you are able to enjoy this pregnancy and look forward to the birth of your baby. It may help you to talk through your abortion with an advisor, and hopefully come to a place of peace about it. You can ring the national helpline 0300 4000 999 or follow the link for a centre or online advisor
find a centre for post abortion support in your area.

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