To anyone who is thinking of having an abortion, I would say don’t!!!
By anonymous on 21/05/2009
To anyone who is thinking of having an abortion, I would say don’t!!! I had an early medical termination two years ago and suffered from extreme depression and guilt up to a year afterwards. Still to this day, not a day passes me by when I don’t think of it. I am now 14 weeks pregnant and have been abandoned by the father after a contraception error. I knew instantly because of my previous termination that I could not go through another one. There was never any doubt in my mind. Never!!! Yes, I am devastated. I have been abandoned. The father is from Australia and wants to travel the world and not settle down, but the devastation is not as bad as when I had the abortion. I have something to look forward to despite all the trouble. Before, everything was taken away from me. When guys tell you they will stick by you if you have an abortion, do not, do not believe them!! Make the choice for you and you alone!!Editor’s note: Thanks for sharing your story with us…It’s sad that some men enjoy the benefits of a sexual relationship but then cannot face the responsibility of fatherhood that that behaviour can bring about. You are very courageous to pursue the pregnancy under these circumstances, but you are energised by the fact that you experienced such acute emotional pain following your abortion. I hope you are receiving all the support you need from family and friends. If not, then you can contact your nearest centre for support – this may help you when things are tough or you feel lonely. We’ll be thinking of you.