Hey guys. I’m 17 and I have had two abortions in less than a year.
By anonymous on 27/11/2008
Hey guys. I’m 17 and I have had two abortions in less than a year. The first one was in June 08. I was so scared. I just graduated from high school with good grades and was going off to college in the fall. Having a baby wasn’t part of my plan. Thank God that my boyfriend was very supportive. I had to hide it from my parents. I had really bad nausea and I work at a food store, so dealing with the food every day wasn’t helping me at all. I would cry every morning and every night because I couldn’t stand it. I knew at that time that I wasn’t ready to be a mommy and that having an abortion was the best thing to do. Thank goodness the abortion was fine. I was up on my feet in the next two hours. The second time I got an abortion was today. Nov. 08. I was so disappointed with myself. I knew I was better than that. I have not learnt from my mistake. I was so embarrassed but I started school. I had a really cool job and once again having a baby just wasn’t part of the plan. This time the pregnancy wasn’t as bad as the first one. I can handle it better. I knew what things to eat and what things not to eat to avoid morning sickness. Once again, my boyfriend was very supportive. I decided to get the abortion four days after I found out I was pregnant. I don’t know if I made the right choice. But what I do know that this is going to be my last one. I can’t keep taking the easy way out. If I become pregnant again I’m going to take full responsibilities for it. My boyfriend also feels the same way. We have been together for two years and love each other very much and if it happens again we are ready. But now I’m using condoms and birth control.
Editor’s note: Thanks for writing in…It sounds like you have been disturbed by your second abortion, despite feeling OK about your first. What part of you makes you say this will be your last abortion? Something seems to be making you feel guilty about ‘not taking responsibility’ for your pregnancy and I think it would help you to pay attention to this heart message. It’s good that you have now started using contraception – remember that contraception is not 100% pregnancy-proof. It must be used as directed in order to maximise its effectiveness but there are no guarantees that pregnancy will not occur. If you need some support to sort out your confused feelings, then you can call Optionline on 800-395-HELP.