I was 15 when I fell pregnant. It became a dirty secret within the family...
By anonymous on 11/09/2006
I was 15 when I fell pregnant. It became a dirty secret within the family and I was told never to tell anyone. I was promptly taken to the doctors and it was decided that an abortion was the best solution for me. I am now 36 and still have real problems coming to terms with killing my baby. Every bad event that has happened since in my life, I have taken as a punishment for what I did. I couldn't wait to have another child and was pregnant again within 3 years. The shame of what I did will be with me forever.
My life now would be a real struggle with another child but if I accidentally fell pregnant, there is no way I would choose an abortion. It is not an easy option and can affect your life for ever.
Editor's note: Thank you so much for sharing your story. Your words convey a sense of pain, shame, guilt and sorrow, even anger. These are common following an abortion, particularly where a woman may have felt pressurised. I do hope you contact a centre, the helpline or Online Advisor as there is hope for you to find deeper healing. It seems you cope as best you can at the moment, but there is more for your life than this.