My medical abortion was the worst experience of my life
I had my abortion today, and it was the worst experience of my life.
I had a medical abortion.
I went in on Friday to have the first tablet which made me feel ill over the weekend.
I had to be at the hospital early this morning. The nurse was wonderful. I cannot fault her at all. She gave me the other tablets and I had to lay on the bed for half an hour.
I started bleeding about an hour and a half later. It wasn’t heavy. I decided I would go home mid-morning (we would have been discharged at lunch anyway).
I got home and within about 30 minutes, I felt like I needed the toilet. I went and I felt something shoot out of me which was rather large. I have never been so scared in my life!
I had to keep going to the toilet every 20-30 minutes or so and every time I had blood and clots coming out quite heavily. It literally just fell out, which I found quite distressing. I have no idea how much I passed. I refused to look, but there was loads. It gradually got less each time I went, and I think lasted about 2-3 hours tops.
The blood loss has reduced to the point where I have hardly any at all, thank God. I am just hoping nothing goes wrong (which it hasn’t so far) and it stops all together.
I never ever want to experience this again and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I do feel relieved now it is over, but not nice at all. Good luck to all ladies xx
Editor’s note
Thanks for sharing with us…
It helps others to know how different these experiences can be for different women.
You are obviously quite preoccupied with what happened to you at the moment, and feel relieved that it is all over.
Relief is the most common emotion following a termination, as the pain is over and the problem is sorted.
For some women, these initial feelings of relief give way to deeper feelings about the loss of a pregnancy, perhaps when they have had time to let the meaning of the abortion to settle.
If you ever need any support, please visit your nearest centre.