Large blood clots were stuck in the opening of my womb and in my cervix causing extreme pain
I had a medical abortion at 9 weeks. When I found out I was pregnant, I was on the birth control pill so it came as a massive shock. I knew from the beginning that I couldn't carry on with the pregnancy as I already had an 8-month-old baby and I wasn't in a good place mentally or financially to support a 2nd baby. I booked my appointment when I was 7 weeks pregnant but I couldn't get one until I was 9 weeks.
[For more experiences of e.g. abortion at 9 weeks or medical abortion etc you'll find more links to stories here.]
No change after the first pill
I went to the clinic, took the first pill then went home with the others to take the next day. I didn't feel any different after taking the first pill.
The next day, when it came to taking the 2nd pills, I placed them inside vaginally as instructed and waited for it to happen. Nothing happened until 4 hours later.
Heavy bleeding 4 hours after the second pills
The pains were extreme even after taking strong painkillers. The bleeding was like nothing I've ever seen before. I couldn't move from the toilet as the blood was pouring out like a tap. There were tons of huge blood clots and I was almost passing out.
After approx 2 hours on the toilet, I managed to get from the toilet to my bedroom and I laid in bed and fell asleep. I woke the next morning to the bleeding and pains still being severe.
3 days after the second pills I collapsed
This lasted for 3 days and then the pain got so extreme I collapsed. I went to the hospital and they put me on a drip and checked me over.
They found that I had large blood clots stuck in the opening of my womb and in my cervix and this is what was causing the severe pain.
Blood clots after medical abortion
They removed the blood clots and game me another tablet to make sure that everything had passed. I was later released from hospital after being monitored all day.
The next day I had little pains but still heavy bleeding and then I passed the pregnancy.
After that everything settled down and I'm now feeling much better 3 weeks later although I still have some light spotting.
My abortion was a nightmare - but everyone is different
My experience was an absolute nightmare but every person is different. Good luck to anybody brave enough to go through this extremely difficult time.