He wants me to get an abortion
Hi, I'm 20 years old and I found out that I was pregnant a week ago.
I was shocked and didn't know what to do. I'm working and my partner is not.
I quickly called my boyfriend who is 21 to tell him the news and he made it clear that I should have an abortion because he doesn't want children as yet, I also don't want children but the thought of an abortion is scary... I've been doing my research and I'm completely undecided.
I've thought of doing it just to satisfy my boyfriend but I am scared of how I'll cope afterwards. I'm really confused and he really is insisting on it in such a way that he's prepared to escort me.
He's expecting me to go tomorrow and have it done and I'm scared that if I don't do it and decide to keep the baby we might break up because of that and I might end up a single mom.