I had a medical abortion ...
By anonymous on 18/02/2008
I had a medical abortion ....... and after reading stories online about how much pain I was going to be in, I was worried as I didn’t really research any experiences or anything before I had it done. I had already taken my first pill, so I was nervous. I found I wasn’t actually in the much pain. It just felt like a normal period - just a few more cramps that took longer to go away. I took two ibuprofen tablets just a while after I had my second appointment and took the second pills. My doctor said this was fine, but check if you are going to do that.
I stayed in all night with a hot water bottle and watched TV. Generally I thought it was ok. And I wouldn’t say it was too painful. My doctor did say women do react differently and it probably depends on how far gone you are. I was seven weeks and two days.
I’m not saying abortion’s right. I do feel quite emotional about what have I done not knowing whether I did right or wrong. But my choice was my choice. I also know someone else who had a medical abortion and she didn’t think it was that painful either, but as a doctor said, it depends on the women ...xo
Editor’s note: Thanks for writing in…You are quite right to say that medical abortions vary with regard to the pain level and it’s helpful to hear from you about your experience. When it is painful, we find that a woman’s initial response to her abortion is sometimes more about her experience of the procedure, than the meaning of what has happened.
You say you feel quite emotional, uncertain perhaps how you feel about your experience at the moment, whilst at the same time acknowledging your choice. If at any time, you feel you need some space and time to talk it through, or simply for a post-abortion check-up to see how you are doing emotionally, please contact one of our centres, the helpline or Online Advisor to speak to someone confidentially.