I had a surgical abortion with conscious sedation today.
By anonymous on 13/12/2014
I had a surgical abortion with conscious sedation today. I remember nothing of the procedure from the point the anaesthetist told me I would feel a cold wave over me, until I came round in recovery feeling actually quite normal (apart from drowsy) and pain free.At 7 weeks I had the option of medical or surgical. I chose surgical as I figured it was quicker, cleaner, and more complete. And I had to fly to the clinic so I wanted a straight forward option, without having to hang around.
I read stories on here before choosing what option I wanted, and if you're considering the same, whilst everyone is different, and can react differently, as far as the procedure goes, I believe I chose the best option. I didn't want any physical pain and was actually really concerned about being ill afterwards and feeling nauseous on the plane home - but I needn't have worried. I was also concerned about being aware of what was going on during the procedure and being distressed by it all but again I have no recollection of it. Physically I felt fine, and still do.