I’m 15 and had an abortion in September. I was 15 and a half weeks on.
By anonymous on 06/11/2007
I’m 15 and had an abortion in September. I was 15 and a half weeks on. I’ve always been against them. I was so happy when I was pregnant but I kept having black outs and even fainted on the way to school. My other half was really supportive and still we decided to get an abortion because of our age. When my mum found out, she took me and my boyfriend to London to get it done. Ever since I’ve had it done, I can’t get the day out my head. I can remember it like yesterday. I feel like I’ve let everyone down, and would do anything to get pregnant again. I just don’t want to leave the house any more because I think everyone’s against me. I keep crying and can’t sleep at night. You might feel like the worst person ever but is for the best, for you and your baby.
Editor’s note: Thanks for sharing your story with us…It sounds as if you are really split in how you feel about the abortion, saying you’ve always been against them, that is was for the best for you and your baby, but also that you are tearful, can’t sleep and feel like the worst person ever.
It sounds as if one part of you is saying that is was the right thing to do and another part of you is saying that an abortion is not what you wanted at all. To have a termination at 15+ weeks is not an easy experience either and I wonder what caused the delay – perhaps you didn’t realise you were pregnant or perhaps you struggled with the idea of what to do. Whatever the reason, I feel sure you would benefit from some counselling to come to terms with this experience and your sense of loss. You can contact your nearest centre, ring the helpline or use Online Advisor. It’s free, confidential and kind.