I am in France and in all honesty, although painful and messy, it wasn't unbearable in any way
I never wanted to tell anyone this story as I suppose I am ashamed of myself (ourselves) for getting into the situation in the first place. But if I think one day I can help someone who has to make this terrible decision, then I will share my experience.
I'm not going to go into the ins and outs of why this had to happen, however, I consider myself lucky to be in a safe and loving relationship where the decision was mutual although extremely heartbreaking.
Having read some of the stories online I was terrified. However, this website was the most balanced and therefore the place where I wanted to share my story.
My medical abortion at 7 weeks
I had a medical abortion at about 7 weeks. I took the first pills on Wednesday and went home. I was fine, with no bleeding and a little cramping, but nothing at all to bother me.
On Friday I went in to the hospital to have the second set of pills. I took 2 at about 8 am dissolved on my tongue ( nobody mentioned this but my mouth hurt afterwards - sort of ached). The bleeding started shortly after this. Again cramps like a heavy period.
It wasn't until about 10 am that I felt I needed painkillers. I went for a walk around the hospital, then at about 10:45 I had cramps and felt like I needed a poo. I went to the toilet and pooed and passed a large clot. I flushed without looking.
At 11:00 I had 2 more pills - again dissolved on my tongue. After this, there was a constant pain which was eased by pain relief.
At about 12:15 they scanned me and told me it was done.
I am in France. In all honesty, although painful and messy it was not unbearable in any way.
Please take heart from this. If you can - spend the rest of the day relaxing, I had some jobs to do - we run our own business - and had family visiting so I had to put on a very brave face as we had told no one.
Painkillers have helped as has my amazing husband. I already have 2 children and one is still a baby so maybe this is why it wasn't so painful for me.
The pain has come and gone and took me a little by surprise on Saturday lunchtime as I thought it was all ok, painkillers and a nap sorted me out.