I absolutely had to get an abortion.
By anonymous on 05/10/2013
I'm 16 years old, and my boyfriend is 18. We have been dating for about a year now, and about a week ago I found out I was pregnant. I panicked. I literally had no one to go to. I called my boyfriend and sobbed over the phone and he said we'd talk about it. But I knew deep down that I absolutely had to get an abortion. The problem is the closest doctor for that is 3 hours away, and although I don't need my parents, I did need to get over there. With the circumstances at hand my boyfriend and I made due. We couldn't tell anyone. We stayed silent to everyone but two very close friends. We ordered a medical abortion kit online. At this point by my own calculation (I keep track of these things) I was 8 weeks when we received it. I took the first pill, and felt nauseated almost instantly, but held everything down throughout the night. The next morning I got up and dry-heaved because nothing was in my stomach. Today, I have to take the vaginal one and I'm so scared because my boyfriend can't be here for me through all this pain but if I don't take it today things will go wrong. I hope to God this isn't some phony kit that is messing me up. I hope I'm following everything right, because this is my life and future going all on one pill. I'm so scared.
On top of that, after I found out, I was instantly attached to my baby. I decided that it was a girl and her name was Penelope Rose. I talked to her all the time and made sure she knew I loved her and was so sorry. But I can't give her a life outside of the womb anyway. I'm 16, and being a mother isn't an option. Adoption isn't either because I would be so attached I couldn't let go. And the foster system is over-flowing as it is. The best way to protect her was this and it killed me. I cried a lot. But now that the first pill is done I am getting to a point where I know that I did the right thing. My boyfriend was attached as well, and loved her and me very dearly. He's being a wonderful man about all of this and is supporting me in whatever I choose. We are all just concerned about my ability to do this alone. But I can't turn back now can I? And now I have to go and take the second one... wish me luck.