'Letter to My Unborn Child'

By anonymous on 08/08/2013
I had a medical abortion on Monday 5th August 2013 at 6 weeks pregnancy at age 22. I've been finding it very emotional and difficult to cope since. I've written a letter in the form of a poem titled 'Letter to My Unborn Child' :

**Letter to my unborn child**

Let me first start by telling you you did nothing wrong.

In another life mum and dad would have been proud.

Fate doesn't bode so well for prematurity.

A regret is that you came a few years too soon.

I have to be honest, the 6 weeks we shared were filled with angst.

Yet somehow as you grew I grew to love you.

But you wouldn't be able to hide forever and I guess this is the only way I could hide you.

Maybe one day you'll understand why we did this.

Maybe you won't.

Sounds ironic that I could give you up yet tell you I love you more than life itself.

If I could have one wish it would be we never met.

Because knowing our paths crossed and I never got to hold you

Never got to hug you

Never got to kiss you

Never got to protect you
Never got to prove to you that you were number one

Makes me guilty as charged.

And now my life sentence has begun.

Maybe to you this is me getting off lightly.

Maybe the death penalty is better suited.

But I assure you, giving up and leaving this world seems like the easy way out.

They say some parents live again through their children.

But I promise you my sweet child, this life is yours and you can live through me.

Editor's Comment

Thank you. Your poem is beautiful but bitter sweet, and portrays the dilemma you faced as well as the grief your decision has brought.

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