I really love him and I think he loves me but about 3 months ago I fell pregnant with his baby.
By anonymous on 18/08/2007
I am 15 years old and I’ve been with my partner for about 11 months. I really love him and I think he loves me but about 3 months ago I fell pregnant with his baby. He has stayed by my side the whole way through. We were both shocked and frightened of what the consequences would be because I have been having problems at home with my parents and I’m not really close to them. We are both young and lost our virginity to each other so this was a huge blow to us. After about 2 and a half months of the pregnancy, we decided that I would have an abortion. But now I regret it and it hurts so much because I feel I let him talk me into the idea. It hurt him now that we have gone through it, but we can’t turn back the time. I’m so lost right now and he’s so hurt because his lost his baby but I can’t blame any one but myself. I wish I didn’t have an abortion and that I just faced up to the consequences.
Editor’s note: Thanks for sharing your story…It sounds as if you are both really hurting because of what has happened and you don’t really know how to help yourselves through this difficult time of regret and wishing you could go back to where you were before.
I want to encourage you to find your nearest centre and visit it together or by yourself. You’ll be able to talk to someone confidentially – someone who understands the feelings that often go with an abortion experience. If you can’t quite pluck up the courage for that yet, then ring the helpline or use Online Advisor to talk with someone. Just telling your story to an understanding person will help you get started on the road to recovery. Have courage.