I hope the story of my surgical abortion experience helps others in the same situation
I have been with my boyfriend for 4 years, and we have been living together for 2 years. I was on the pill, and regularly run packs together without a gap, so did not know I was pregnant until I was about 7 weeks.
We're not in the financial position to have a baby
We are both young and just starting our careers (I am 22 he is 24). Therefore I called BPAS and made an appointment at my local clinic for the following Monday.
A counsellor asked about me, my pregnancy & what I wanted
I went to the consultation on my own, and all the staff were very kind and understanding.
I firstly saw a counsellor who asked questions about me, my pregnancy and what I wanted to do. I was then seen by a nurse who checked my medical history, did a fingerprick blood test and took my blood pressure.
We decided surgical abortion was the best option
Another nurse then scanned me and confirmed I was 8 weeks exactly. I then saw the counsellor again, and we discussed the options available.
We decided that a surgical abortion [other stories of surgical abortion»] was the best option, and I was booked into the Bournemouth clinic in 7 days time.
The surgical abortion procedure
On the day of the procedure, my boyfriend and I caught the train to Bournemouth at 6:30. We got to the clinic at 8:30.
I was called in by the nurse at 9am, and my boyfriend left knowing I would call him when he could come to collect me.
They double-checked I wanted to go through with it
The nurse double checked that I wanted to go through with the procedure, and took my blood pressure and went over my medical history again. She also talked through exactly what would be happening, and really put my mind at rest.
I was then taken to another waiting room, where I waited for less than 5 mins before being taken to the pre op changing room, where I was told to undress completely and put on the nightshirt I had bought with me, I had a gown to wear over the top and also had to put on a belt which would hold up the towel after the op.
I then sat down and waited for about 30 mins before I was called for the procedure.
I was terrified but barely had time to be scared
I was walked through to a room with a bed, where I laid down and was given an oxygen mask. The nurse then placed 4 sticky pads on my chest and a clip on my finger. It was about 10:15 at this point. I was terrified as I have never had an anaesthetic before, but the doctors were so quick that I barely had time to be scared.
Before I knew it, they had the needle in my elbow, and were injecting me with 2 syringes of fluid, they told me the first one was a painkiller and the second was the anaesthetic. I remember the doctor saying that it may sting, but I honestly felt nothing. I remember watching him inject the drugs, then drifting off.
I woke after 20 minutes with slight cramp
Next thing I knew I was waking up in the recovery room, I felt the same as when my alarm goes off waking me from a really deep sleep. I was aware of a slight cramp in my stomach, but it was not bad at all, no worse than a mild period pain. I looked at the clock and it was 10:35 so I had been asleep for 20 mins.
The nurses were lovely
The nurses were lovely and asked if I was ok, they removed the needle from my elbow and checked my bleeding.
After about 15 mins, they took me in a wheelchair to another room where I sat in a comfy chair and was given tea and 2 biscuits.
When I had eaten and drunk my tea, I was taken to the toilet where I put my knickers on with my own pad.
I was then allowed to get dressed and was taken to the dining room where I had another cup of tea, and some cheese and crackers. I called my boyfriend from this room, and told him I would be out in 30 mins.
One of the other girls in the dining room was sick, but felt fine straight afterwards so this may be a common side affect.