My boyfriend left me 2 weeks after the abortion

By anonymous on 15/12/2010
I got pregnant, but when I told my boyfriend, he got angry, and told me he would leave me alone. He told me that the child would suffer, that he would not give him his love, and he did not want him.

It would be a high risk pregnancy

Also I suffer from a medical condition and I have a health risk with pregnancy and also the baby could come with problems. I am a high risk for pregnancy, not only for my health but also the baby.
After my boyfriend pushing me, I got scared, and told him that I would do an abortion.
After the abortion he told me he was sorry for the way he treated me and that in the future when we where both prepared we could have a baby. But each day passed and I felt very sad and regreted it. I thought the best would have been to take the risk of having it, but then thinking of the father that did not want him, I feel it was the best so the baby will not suffer if he was born with a severe disease and a not loving father, if something happened to me during pregnancy.

He left me after 2 weeks and told me he had no regret

After 1 month, I found he was engaged.
Many things happened to me at once, my health risks, the baby possible health risks, the father left me, and he always was with an another girl lying to me almost 7 months.
I have decided to never have children with this experience. I don't want to risk my health alone or risk my baby possible health if he was born with the disease. But I regret it, and I wish I could go in the past and have taken the risk, no matter what...

Editor's Comment

What a terrible time you have been through and it sounds as though you made your decision under pressure from your boyfriend rather than just thinking through your own health problems and what that would involve. It would be good if you could have some counselling support to work through some of the grief that you have experienced. I know that you feel very betrayed by this boyfriend but if you met someone who really loved you, I think it would be worth seeking medical advice to find out what the risks are for having children. It may be that with careful medical monitoring you would be able to have a child, but you would need to get some specialist medical advice on this. If you would like to talk to someone please call the national helpline 0300 4000 999, or follow the link to Online advisor
for post abortion support.

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