I might be pregnant - what do I do now?
Should I do a pregnancy test?
If you think you might be pregnant but aren't sure you should definitely do a pregnancy test.
If you've missed a period or had unprotected sex there's a chance you might be pregnant — taking a pregnancy test will tell you whether you are or not.
What does a pregnancy test do?
Pregnancy tests look at the levels of a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (or HCG) in your body. If you're pregnant your levels of HCG will be higher and can be detected in your urine.
When should I do a pregnancy test?
Most home pregnancy tests should be done on the day, or day after, your next period is due. If you're not sure of the date of your next period, do the test at least 21 days from when you last had unprotected sex.
Where can I get a pregnancy test?
You can buy pregnancy tests from chemists and many supermarkets. You can also buy them online, Boots has a range of pregnancy tests (the linked website will open in a new window) starting from a few pounds.
Alternatively, if you'd like someone to do the pregnancy test for you, you could:
Pay a chemist to do one for you
You need to take a sample of your urine to a pharmacy for the chemist to test.
Please note that the pot you use must be absolutely clean before you use it so that nothing interferes with the accuracy of the test result. - You can get a free pregnancy test at your local NHS walk-in health centre (linked website will open in a new window)
- Ask your local GP surgery. Not all practices provide free pregnancy tests these days but some still do.
- Try your local community contraceptive clinic.
- Visit a sexual health or genitourinary medicine clinic (GUM clinic)
Try to prepare yourself for the fact that you might actually be pregnant. Even though you suspect you're pregnant, positive confirmation from a pregnancy test might still be a big shock. It would be a good idea to have someone you trust with you, just for a bit of support, just in case.
What do I do if the pregnancy test is positive?
If the pregnancy test is positive the next step really depends on the type of person you are, but in all cases getting more information can remove some of the unknowns and help you feel more in control.
Talking to somebody can often help you understand what you should do next.
Where can I get support and more information?
Further support is available from these places:
NHS Direct
Ring them on 111 or visit their website at www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk (clicking this link will take you away from the Pregnancy Choices Directory website) -
NHS walk-in centre
You can visit your local NHS walk-in centre — find your nearest centre on their website at NHS UK service search (linked website will open in a new window) - Visit your local sexual health clinic
- Talk to your GP